This week is Mental Health Awareness Week, and this year it feels as though it couldn’t come at a better time.
During the last few months, amongst the pandemic of COVID-19, Nannies have been put under enormous pressure to carry on as normal.
Here are some top tips for keeping mentally well
The tips below are inspired by the mental health charity MIND. MIND provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem.
- Try to keep to a routine as much as you can – eat and sleep at normal times if possible
- Go for walks if you are able. Take photos of nature. Smile and say hello to passers-by
- If you can, try a fit some exercise into your day – especially if it gets you outside
- Try to remember, nothing lasts forever. You can get through this difficult time
- Speak out about how you feel, you will be surprised at who is willing to help you
- Be kind to yourself. Take it hour by hour – not even day by day.
- Minimise the time you spend watching bad news on the TV as it may not be helpful
- Do something creative – it really does help to yale your mind of things that are weighing you down
- It’s okay to feel however you feel, people cope and react to things in different ways
- Try not to put pressure on yourself to be too productive
Kindness has been picked as this year’s theme.
Kindness strengthens relationships, develops community and deepens
solidarity. We know that one act of kindness can lead to many more.
If you need to talk, UK Nanny is here to help you. Do contact us if you feel you need support.
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