Families and Nannies, We need your help!

Please sign and share this petition to encourage the government to include nannies in the 15/30 hours free childcare scheme. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/700017

The scheme currently excludes nannies, limiting the funded childcare options available to families who depend on the flexibility and unique support nannies provide.

We’re petitioning the government to include Ofsted nannies as a starting point.

  • If we reach 10,000 signatories, we will get a government response.
  • If we reach 100,000 signatories, the petition will be considered for debate in Parliament.

Please show your support and share the petition with your networks of families and child carers.

Thank you for your support 🙏

#Childcare #Nannies #Families #ChildcareScheme #GovernmentPetition #FreeChildcare

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